...to innovate and educate is to empower

Fundamentals of Educational Technology Leadership

ECTD 801, Summer Institute I


As an introductory summer seminar, this course laid the foundational groundwork for the program. It helped to outline the expectations and the practices of the program. We created our first project together - Cohort's website, and set the stage for the personal development plan and the digital portfolio you are currently viewing. Enjoy! 

Cohort 5 Showcase 

Individual Contribution 

Project - Personal Development Plan

Digital Portfolio

EDTC 802, Principles of Educational Technology Leadership

This course focused on concepts and strategies essential for a leader in a technologically stimulating learning environment. Throughout the course, the following topics were covered:  strategic planning, leadership styles, institutional change processes, and policy issues in educational technology.  We worked on and presented the joint Leadership project  and created a Technology Use  Proposal in the educational setting.

Project 1 - Team Leadership Project

Project 2 - Technology Use Proposal

Project 3 - Strengthening Cybersecurity

EDTC 804, Global Issues in Educational Technology Leadership

This course allowed to view educational technology through a global perspective and included discussions on the development strategies, diversity, cultural values,

and the systemic role of the educational technology in global economic development. We discussed educational issues around the world and practiced creating a new course with an international educational partner. Fun!


Assignment1 - 

Environmental Scan: Mapping Educational Issues

Assignment 2 (Team) Intro-to-Cybersecurity

Assignment3 - Literature Review

EDTC 813, Advanced Using Integrated Software across the Curriculum

This course examined the patterns of traditional use, current issues, and emergent trends of digital technology in learning. It included assessments of integration strategies that support and enhance educational experiences as well as professional development and training initiatives. From creating a themed escape room to establishing a filed manual for blended learning to discovering a  Pecha-Kucha styled presentation, this course expanded my horizon of ed. tech. in action.  

Project 1: Themed Escape Room

Project 2 (team):  Creating a Meaningful Learning 

Environment with Technology 

Project 3 (team): Field Manual for Blended Learning Environment

Project 4 (video): Applying Theoretical Lens of the Fifth Discipline to Designing Digital Experiences fro Positive Youth Development 

EDTC 815, Administration and Supervision of Technology in Educational Settings

 This course laid the groundwork for the areas that promote the development and implementation of technology infrastructure, procedures, policies, plans, and budgets for schools and organizations.   With the focus on the K-12 sector, this course provided team-driven opportunities to work with educational technology from the supervisory perspective. 

Project 1 (team): Administration & Supervision of Planned Growth Program

Project 2 (team): Hiring of Three Technology Coordinators

Project 3 (team): Technology Implementation Plan for Mathematics

Project 4 (team): Defining Professional Development Experience   

EDTC 812, Teaching in the Adult Learning Environment


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Theory & Practice

EDTC 808, Summer Institute II


During this course, I was able to focus on building the skills, knowledge, understanding and commitment necessary to become an effective leader. By doing reflections and revising my PDP, I was able to adjust my goals and priorities as well as consider additional  growth opportunities. 

Revised PDP Year 2


Reflections - PortfolioReviews-Cohort4


EDTC 805, Cross-discipline Studies in Technology

During this course I explored and evaluated some of the  advanced and emergent technologies. I enjoyed working with two of my fellow colleagues on the presentation on robotics, computational thinking and coding.  I also had fun learning about other emerging technologies from other members of the cohort. 

Emerging Technologies Presentation (team): Robotics Comp.Thinking Coding

DYI-PDP WhitePaper

EDTC 807, Implementation and Evaluation of Curriculum

During this course I built a  comprehensive understanding of the implementation and evaluation of educational technology programs. I reviewed the philosophies, methods, and processes of curriculum design in  educational technology that provide the framework for curricular models and evaluation methods. It was great to walk down the history lane of the educational theory as well as review some of the alternative ways to learn.   


Assignment 1: Historical Background Paper

Assignment 2: Informal Learning

Assignment 3: Curriculum Implementation Plan

EDTC 814, Advanced Effective Models of E-Learning

During this course, we focused on concepts and strategies necessary to step into a leadership role in the integration and application of technology and learning. We explored the topics of strategic planning, leadership styles, institutional change process, designing world-class eLearning, and policy issues.  We had a lot of  winter fun climbing Mount Everest in the middle of July in the simulation Case study as well as evaluating other case studies and eLearning strategies. 

Project 1 (in-class): Simulation Case Study

Project 2: Higher Ed Case Study

Project 3: Leadership Vision and eLearning Plan

EDTC 816, Advanced Methods for Building Online Communities

 In this course, we discovered the roles as online community researchers, designers, managers, and users. We were introduced to important concepts, terms, and theories about online communities and practices that encourage community building.  This course is the champion in raising my bar and putting me out of my comfort zone. I learned a lot and gained confidence in understanding and appreciating online communities.

Assessment 1: Webliography

Assessment 2 (team): Educational Online Community Analysis

Assessment 3: Design Online Community

EDTC 817, Advanced Developing and Managing Distance Learning Programs


to be discovered...

Scholarship and Research

EDTC 811 Summer Institute III


Personal Development Plan

EDTC 803, Data Analysis and Report Writing

In this course, I focused on the content and the mechanics of effective data analysis and report writing. By analyzing textual and graphical data from multiple sources, I learned how to process data in ways that readers can understand and generate comprehensive reports. This course introduced the process of coding qualitative data and other kinds of data analysis and reporting. Creating my own Museum Exhibit on the concepts of Quantum Computing was awesome! 

Assessment 1 - Museum Exhibit

Assessment 2 - Coding Qualitative Data

Assessment 3 - Statistical Report

Assessment 4 - Memo Visual Report

EDTC 806, Research Methods in Educational Technology

With the program’s emphasis on the scholarship of teaching and innovative learning experiences, this course is an in-depth treatment of the research process and techniques for planning and designing research projects. This course appeared extensive and valuable at the time but has proven to be even more so over time.  It continues to serve as the groundwork for other courses as well as dissertation design and implementation.

Project 1  - Quantitative Study

Project 2 - Qualitative Study

Project 3 - Mixed Methods Study

EDTC 809, Assessment and Evaluation

In this course, I practiced applying systematic inquiry using assessment methods to understand, evaluate and solve user and organizational needs.  I was able to integrate the knowledge of research methods with the real-world challenges of conducting and analyzing research in various settings.  I  particularly enjoyed completing the observation experience project, where I sat in the corner of my favorite cafe in town and viewed a familiar scenery through the researcher's lens.

Project 1: Observations-Notes-Coding

Project 2: Qualitative Study

Project 3: Quantitative Study

Project 4: Mixed Methods Study

EDTC 810 Statistics for Educational Research

I developed competence in applying, synthesizing, and evaluating statistics from sources including dissertation, journals, technical reports, and Web sites.  I was able to move from basic to context-driven statistics, applying the fundamental concepts and procedures of descriptive and inferential statistics to real-world applications. With some of the higher level statistical concepts included, this course offered a wealth of skill-building activities, form analyzing published materials, to using SPSS, to creating Statistics Resource site (our team called it StatQuest - follow the link below).

Assignment 1- Reading and Writing About Statistics

Assignment 2 - Statistics Resource Site StatQuest 

Assignment 3 -  Site Evaluation Log

Assignment 4 - Analysis Paper

EDTC 901 Dissertation I & EDTC 902 Dissertation II


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